Een jaar in Oeganda

It has been ages since my last post on my weblog, almost one year I posted about my live in Burkina-Faso. I stayed and lived there for 3 months and worked for my company Zaphyrion, as internet connections in Burkina are terrible you could imagine the success and efficiency of the work i did there, so in the end of March, after some great bike adventures I returned back home to looking for a new challenge. Through my good friend Yolanda working at Commundo if found a position as guesthouse manager in Kampala, Uganda from the dutch foundation ICU. I guess everybody know's my people skills, so after a few months checking if the staff put toilet paper we all decided that it would be good to do something else within the organization, I started working on the safari branch from ICU, GrassRootz. Here i setup some weekend tours and builded a few new website's to get a bit of a marketing machine up and running.

The last months of this year a lot of my dear friends came to visit, including my dad. I had a really great time driving around the country meeting interesting people and of course the thrill off driving between the wildlife. This last months i was chased by elephants, hippo's and buffalo's, drove on creepy dirt roads to visit mountain gorilla's and stood in eye with a lion next to my car window. All these adventures came with loads of car trouble, but with the great help of Sander from ICU and all the africans that claimed to be a mechanic i managed to go on. There are so many places where i was stuck, but the one that is still clear in my memory is driving without any breaks through the slums of Nairobi and hitting the only rock in Murchison Falls.


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